How to calculate the charging time and current of battery?
In this article you will learn about how to calculate the charging time and current of battery. So let's get started. Suppose you have a 120Ah lead acid battery and you want to calculate the charging time, so have required this formula
Charging time of battery = Battery Amp Hour / Charging Current
∴ T = Ah / A
Now, let's find the charging current. The charging current should be 10% of the amp hour rating of battery.
Charging current of battery = Amp hour of battery * % of losses
∴120 * (10/100) = 12A
This is in ideal case but you have to consider losses also , so considering losses you have to take more amp. It can be 12 to 12 A for charging purpose. Suppose that the charging amp is 13A.
Charging time of battery = Battery Amp Hour / Charging Current
=9.23 Hour
But this result is in ideal case, in real noted that 40% of losses in case of battery charging. By considering 40% of losses
Charging current of battery = Amp hour of battery * % of losses
=120 * (40/100)
= 48
therefore, Calculating with losses we get
Amp-hour = 120 Ah + Losses
= 120+48
Charging Time of battery = Battery Amp Hour / Charging Current
=168 / 13
= 12.92 ≅13 Hrs
Therefore, an 120Ah battery takes 13 hours for charging fully with 13A charging current. If you want to calculate automatically the visit Battery Charge Calculator.