Series, Parallel and Series-Parallel Configuration of Batteries

Types of battery connection:

1-Series connection
2-Parallel connection
3-Series-parallel connection

1-Series connection of batteries

In the shown in fig A the batteries are connected into the series. In the series connection of batteries the positive terminal of battery is connected with negative terminal of other battery. By connecting batteries into series, current will be same throughout the circuit but the voltage is different and the total voltage can be found by addition of all voltage.

V = V1+V2+V3+.......Vn

In the figure, the two 12 V, 100 Ah batteries are connected in the series so, total current will be in circuit is 100 A but voltage is 24 V (12 V + 12 V).

2-Parallel connection of batteries

In the shown in fig B the batteries are connected into the parallel. In the parallel connection of batteries the positive terminal of battery is connected with positive terminal of other battery and negative terminal of battery is connected with the negative terminal of the other battery. By connecting batteries into parallel, voltage will be same throughout the circuit but the current is different and the total current can be found by addition of all current.

I = I1+I2+I3…+In

In the figure, the two 12 V, 100 Ah batteries are connected in the parallel. so, total voltage will be in circuit is 12 V but current is 200 Ah (100 Ah + 100 Ah).

3-Series-Parallel connection of batteries

If pair of batteries connected with the pair of other series batteries into parallel then its configuration of batteries called as series-parallel connection of batteries.

In the Figure C, the six batteries of 12 V, 100 Ah are connected into series-parallel connection.

here, B1 & B2 in Series, B3 & B4 in Series, and B5 & B6 in series and then all these pair of batteries are connected in the parallel. So, total voltage and ampere-hour would be 24 V (two 12 V batteries are connected in series) and 300 Ah (100 Ah for each pair of batteries)

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