How to wire lamps in series and parallel with it's advantage and dis-advantage?

Series connection of lamp

These all lamps are connected in series. Each lamp is connected to the next one. The flowing current is same in all lamps but the voltage is different.
Good To know: This is not a suitable wiring for home Because the effect will be that two or more lamps will be glow dim, and removing one lamp will cause others to go out. Recommended lighting method for home and buildings on lighting points is parallel wiring circuit of lighting.


-Less size of wire cable is required in this type of wiring.


-The failure or removal of any single lamp will break the circuit and cause all of the others lamps to stop working.

-High supply voltage is required. As more lamps are added, they will all are glow dim and dim because the voltage is shared in the series circuit.

Parallel connection of lamp

These all lamps are connected in Parallel. Each lamp is connected between phase L and Neutral N.
In this circuit, adding or removing one lamp has no effect on the others lamps. This is just because of the Voltage in parallel circuit is same. Here, current is different. It is possible to add any number of lamps in the circuit, simply by extending the L and N conductors to other lamps.


-Removal of any lamp or breaking in the cable will not break the circuit, in other words, other lamps will still work and glow.

-As more lamps are added, they  not reduced in brightness.


-More cable wire is used in parallel lighting circuit wiring as compare to series connection.

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