Calculation of how much watts solar panel required for home.

Do you want to install solar panel at roof of your home and confuse about how much watts solar panel is required? Yes, Here you will be know the answer of your question in very easy way with a very easy example. 

Suppose you have 5 lights having 15 Watts each and your requirement is to use these lights for 4 hours every day. Then you have to calculate the total watts that use.

Ptotal= 15 x 5 = 75Watts
And you are using for four hours.So,

Pdaily = 75 x 4 = 300 Watts

That means you are using 300W Each day. Suppose solar panel provides you power for 6 hours throughout the day for everyday. Now, you have to find the hourly power charge that required. Hourly power charge is the watts of solar panel you need required to install at your home.

Phourly = 300 / 6 = 50W

So, You have required a 50 watt solar panel.
[alert title="Alert message" icon="info-circle"] This calculation is on ideal base therefore we recommended that install a solar panel more then your required watts. This is also very important because their will be some loss while charging the battery due to some other factors. [/alert]

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